You May Want To Consider Running.

You May Want To Consider Running.


Sorry, it's hard to keep up these days. Technically, we should be wrapped up by now, but live (work) gets in the way! Allen colors many things for DC and Valiant and usually he ends up coloring like 574 pages in about 24 hours. Then he sleeps two days and then goes surfing. I eat pizza for seven days.

Anyways, thanks for dealing with it. You are all the best. Really. So many people came by my table at C2E2 and proved it last weekend! I appreciated it greatly. Big time.

Speaking of conventions, here's where I'll be this year. I haven't posted yet, but I've sent in my request to table at the Milwaukee Pug Fest as well. More on that as we find out!

April 2-3
Gem City Comic Con
Dayton Convention Center | Dayton, OH

June 11-12
River City Comic Expo
Statehouse Convention Center | Little Rock, AR

June 18-19
Wizard World Sacramento
Sacramento Convention Center | Sacramento, CA

August 12-14
Boston Comic Con
Seaport World Trade Center | Boston, MA

September 9-11
Cinci Comic Con
Northern Kentucky Convention Center | Covington, KY

October 22-23
Memphis Comic Expo
Cook Convention Center | Memphis, TN

November 4-6
World Trade & Convention Center + Scotia Bank Centre | Halifax, Nova Scotia

Salon International de la Bande Dessinée
Salle Les Tertiales | Valenciennes, France
